The Association shall be called the S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia, Old Boys Association.
The Objects of the Association shall be
- To increase the sense of fellowship in Old Boys both with one another and with the College.
- To promote good works for the benefit of the College.
- To afford guidance and encouragement to the younger generation of Thomians.
- To foster and preserve the bonds of unity and fellowship with the branch schools and Affiliated Associations.
- To make recommendations for better management and administration of the College.
- To create a Trust Fund.
Membership shall consist of and include
- All members of the Association whose names now appear in the register of members;
- Old Boys’ of S. Thomas’ College, Mt. Lavinia, who have been students for a period of not less than six (6) school terms, and Old Boys of the Branch School at S. Thomas’ College, Gurutalawa, who have been students for a period of not less than nine (9) school terms.Provided that the Executive Committee may, in its absolute discretion and without reason stated, enroll and an old who has been a student of S. Thomas’ College for a period less than the stipolated tim
- The members of the tutorial staff of S. Thomas’ College, Mt. Lavinia, who shall be staff members of the Association for the first five (5) years of their employment as members of such tutorial staff and who shall immediately on completion of the first five (5) years become members. A member of the tutorial staff who is no more a member of such tutorial staff before the expiry of the period of five (5) years shall cease to be a member of the Association.
- Honorary Life Members not exceeding ten (10) elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Annual General Meeting
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the second (2nd) Friday in the month of February, unless the Executive Committee finds it necessary to fix some later day. Notice of the Agenda shall be given by the Honorary Secretary at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting and in any manner approved by the Executive Committee.
- An applicant for admission to membership shall apply to the Honorary Secretary in writing substantially in accordance with the form prescribed by the Executive Committee and shall be proposed by a member of the Association and seconded by another, and on his paying his subscription, which may from time to time be varied at an Annual General Meeting, shall be enrolled a member upon being notified by the Honorary Secretary of such enrolment, and any such notification shall be given with a period which may be extended to thirty (30) days.
- Notice of any motion or other matter to be brought before the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least thirty-five (35) days before the date of such meeting.
- The quorum at the Annual General Meeting shall be seventy-five [75].
- A statement of Accounts, including a Balance Sheet for the preceding calendar year, audited by an Honorary Auditor, doly elected for the purpose at the previous Annual General Meeting, and approved by the Executive Committee shall be presented by the [Honorary Secretary and (dropped)] Honorary Treasurer for adoption at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Honorary Secretary [Honorary Treasurer (dropped)] shall at the Annual General Meeting submit a Report, as approved by the Executive Committee, covering the activities of the Association during the preceding calendar year. Such report shall include the number of Old Boys on the roll and the names of the members enrolled during the preceding twelve (12) months.
Officers, Executive Committee Members, Quorum of the Association:
- The office bearers of the Association who shall for the Executive Committee shall be:
- The President, who shall be ex officio, the Warden of the College,
- Two (2) Vice Presidents, one of whom shall be ex officio, the Sub Warden, and one of who shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting,
- An Honorary Secretary,
- An Honorary Treasurer,
- An Honorary Assistant Secretary,
- An Honorary Assistant Treasurer,
- Two (2) Representatives to the Board of Governors,
- Forty (40) members elected according to Role 7(a) and (8), (ix) one (1) Representative from each affiliated Association appointed according to Role 13(d), and (x) five (5) [such replaced by5] other members as may be nominated by the President in [accordance replaced by addition] addition to the provisions Role 9. Fifteen (15) members shall form the quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee.
- The Honorary Secretary shall keep a Minutes Book recording the proceeding of all meetings.
- The Honorary Treasurer shall keep Accounts of the Income and Disbursements of the Association.[Roles 5(b) and 5(c) combined previously]
Management of the Association:
- The management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee which shall meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regolate its meeting as it thinks fit.
- Any member of the Executive Committee who is absent without written leave for three (3) consecutive meetings shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Executive Committee and shall not be eligible for re-nominations for a period of two (2) years from cessation.
Election of the Offices and Executive Committee:
- At the Annual General Meeting, there shall be elected:
- The office bearers other than the President, one Vice President and the Representatives of the affiliated Associations.
- The Honorary Auditor.
- The Honorary Assistant Auditor.
- There shall be elected at each and every Annual General Meeting forty (40) members to the Executive Committee of who:
- Ten (10) members shall be under thirty (30) years of age.
- Ten (10) members shall be between thirty (30) and forty (40) years of age.
- Ten (10) members shall be between forty (40) and fifty (50) years of age.
- Ten (10) members who shall be over fifty (50) years of age on the date of the said Annual General Meeting.
- There shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting two (2) Representatives to the Board of Governors, who shall hold office for a period of (4) years.Provided that if any such representative so elected shall be incapacitated for what ever reason during the four (4) years term, the President and the Executive Committee shall nominate a member to replace him pending the next Annual General Meeting at which a representative shall be elected for the balance period of such four (4) year term.
- Nomination for such election shall be as prescribed in Role 7(c).
- A member may propose the Annual General Meeting the name of any other member to be an Office Bearer or Honorary Auditor, or Honorary Assistant Auditor. Any other member desiring to propose the name of any other member shall give notice of the same to the Honorary Secretary fourteen (14) clear days before the Annual General Meeting. Such notice shall contain the names and signatures of the proposer and seconder and the written consent of the person proposed to stand for election.
It shall be the duty of the President to determine the procedure for the election of Office Bearers and the method of voting at any business arising at the meeting.
In the event of nominations not been received at the Annual General Meeting under Role 7(a) and (b) above, the President may then nominate from any age group, any persons or persons he so desires to serve on the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies which may occur in the Committee pending the next Annual General Meeting.
Special General Meeting, Quorum:
- A Special General Meeting to transact any special business may be summoned by the President or the Executive Committee or in pursuance of a written requisition signed by not less than fifty (50) members of the Association and addressed to the Honorary Secretary, who shall forthwith summon such meeting. Any such requisition shall specify the nature of the business for which the meeting is summoned and no other business shall be transacted at such meeting.
- At least fourteen (14) days previous notice in writing of such meeting shall be given to the members provided however the Executive Committee shall have power to curtain the period of such notice.
- The quorum for such Special General Meeting shall be seventy-five (75).
The RolES of the Association shall not be altered, amended, repealed, or added except at the Annual General Meeting as provided for in Role 4(c), or at a Special General Meeting provided at least thirty-five (35) clear days written notice of any proposal affecting the Roles is given to the Honorary Secretary before the date of such meeting.
Old Boys’ Association of Branch Schools, Province or District:
- Any Old Boys’ Association of Branch Schools, Province or District, whose Roles do not conflict with the Roles of this Association shall at an Annual General Meeting be eligible to be affiliated to this Association.
- An affiliation fee of Rupees Twenty-five (Rs:25.00) shall be payable by each such Association before election.
- Each affiliated Association shall be entitled to one representative from among its members to any General Meeting of this Association, such representative being entitled to one (1) vote.
- One representative from each affiliated Association shall be appointed to the Executive Committee of this Association.